
Suggestions? tstark@ec.edu

See the reigning king of web-fiction at _253_.

eliterature is the best current hypertext data-hub I've found. Enjoy!

Hyper-lit logo & original info
©2002 Tim Stark

Friday, December 22, 2000

My friend and web-head, Justin Young, passed on these "usability links" to me:

They're two of the best sources of info on what makes for good and bad web-use.

Monday, December 18, 2000

Keith Barker is a good writer. He's humble and self-deprecating, but he's also a natural talent when it comes to character development and the technical elements involved in creating effective, compelling (and, by the way, hypertextual) stories. His final project for our L460 class is a mini-masterpiece, and I think he created a whole new form of literature. His character files are hyperlinked and inter-related in several ways, but he adds the ingenious and unique (in my experience) twist of providing us with a list of "favorite bookmarked web-sites" for each character. We get insight into the characters by means of this "private" information. What can we tell about a person by what they web-surf to regularly? Keith invites us to find out. Check out "The Dinner Party" at: http://www.geocities.com/keith_barker2000/dinner_party.htm

Great stuff.

Wednesday, December 13, 2000

Jeanette Winterson has some opinions about and aspirations toward hypertext/multi-media literature.

You can read of them here: http://www.jeanettewinterson.com/industry_standard.htm

I like her writing and her writing persona ... not that she cares what I think either way ... I'm just sayin' ...

Wednesday, December 06, 2000

The Usual Suspects is a kind of hypertext on film.

That's my thesis.

If you’ve never seen the movie and your Mom lets you watch R-rated films, then check it out and “read” it as a study in writing and linking and understanding hypertext.

Please note (partial plot spoiler alert!): the tale we’re told in this show is based on information taken from a … wait for it … BULLETIN BOARD!

Don’t sleep ‘til you’ve seen this thing!

My final project for L460 is posted. It still needs work, but this is a start. Check it out here:

... behind the secret panel lies a valuable, fabulous thing. --p94

Saturday, December 02, 2000

Important Safety (and Viewing) Tip: Some of the posts may already be archived, so please check that out, too!

I bet I'm gonna like this movie when I get a chance to see it!

Hyper or just plain regular Lit. lovers should check out the movie, _Wonderboys_, and its soundtrack. The graphic link above will take you to see it at CDNow. There's even a Real Audio clip there of "Philosopher's Stone"-- Van Morrison's song which, in full length form, is perfect background music for viewing my web-site on The Passion. Give it a listen (it's track 13), esp. if you have a fast internet connection (do you hate those pesky rebuffering glitches as much as I do?!).

Friday, December 01, 2000

Hey, all this "return to my days as a steady writer of .html code" is paying off! I even managed to edit and re-file my old home page. You're invited to take a a stark view.

I'm having fun writing web-code again after an 18-month layoff
(I just plain, don't get UNIX, ya know?).
I was more than a bit rusty ...

My Final Project for L460 is a critical reading (in hypertext) entitled, "The Alchemy of Jeanette Winterson's The Passion." You can see the project in progress at http://portfolio.iupui.edu/tstark/Passion/Passion-Main.html

The graphics are now working, thanks to the invaluable assistance of my Youth Minister and Web-Maestro friend, Justin Young. If you've a mind to, you can "Enter the Dragon" with him at Superhua!

Passion is the Philosopher's Stone